The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Wedding Invitations

I've been thinking about our wedding a lot lately and wondering what to do about wedding invitations. With a wedding for two in Las Vegas, we aren't actually inviting anyone to our wedding. On the other hand, we probably will be choosing a chapel and a package that allows people to either watch the ceremony live or either watch it for a short period of time after the wedding online. G expressed his desire that we choose a place that archives the wedding so that he doesn't feel like everyone is watching him at the moment we get married, so I'm looking for a place in Vegas that will give us at least a week or so of online broadcast time. We'll see.

As far as invitations go, I was thinking of sending out a casual and fun announcement saying that we are tying the knot in Vegas and invite everyone to go to our chapel's website to watch the wedding. If there is a code involved, I"ll include that and if not, I'll just post the website. I've also been working on a wedding blog with the idea that the week we are in Vegas, I will update with pictures and a daily wedding/honeymoon blog for our family and friends. On the invitation, I will probably invite everyone to also go to our blog for more information.

The question is... is that tacky for a wedding invitation? I guess as long as I keep it fun and casual, it should be fine. After all, it's our wedding right? I just don't want people to think we are sending them out fishing for gifts or anything. Mainly, I just want people to know we are finally getting married and that even though we aren't having any guests there in person, they can still be a part of our joy by watching it online. Besides, dammit, I have a gorgeous dress now and I want people to see me in it!

It might be fun to design my own invitations and make them myself. That way I can hopefully save money without having to buy cheap and cheesy heart invitations or something. I was thinking about designs where I could incorporate either the Vegas skyline or the Welcome to Las Vegas sign. Either way, it should be fun to come up with something that is fun and unique for G and I! Now that the dress has been purchased, everything else is starting to fall into place. We've been engaged for so long, and now I can't wait to be his wife.


Not HER Again September 3, 2009 at 2:04 PM  

Hey, hon! It won't be tacky to include your blog information as long as it's on a separate piece of paper enclosed in the invitation package.

I got married in Vegas too. :) We LOVED it.

YES, create your own invitations. Sorry to spam ya, but: -- That's what we do! I was researching something for my site and that's how I stumbled upon your blog.

Good luck!

Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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