The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

April Fools

Happy April Fools! This is not exactly a "holiday" tradition that I have gotten into too much in the past, but it's fun to see what ideas creative tricksters have come up with. Google seems to have gotten in on the festivities with custom time, where you can send emails into the past and also a new wake up system, complete with bucket to dump water on you if alarms aren't working. Check out a list of some online april fool's day jokes at Cnet .

My favorite joke so far is what Youtube has done. Just go there and click on any of today's feature videos. It cracks me up. You have to wonder what Rick Astley thinks about the whole "Rick Roll" joke that's been around for so long.

I think I have always been too chicken to pull off any good April Fools Day jokes, personally. My family tells stories of my Nana and her sisters pranking each other out. It got pretty brutal. One time, my Grandmother's sister called in the middle of the night and said that her house was on fire and the police and fire department were on the way and could she get down there right away and help. Everyone got dressed and frantically headed over to the house, where her sister was sitting on the porch with her husband laughing their asses off. They all thought it was so funny afterwards, but that type of gag is just too intense for my tastes.

I prefer jokes like this one at thinkgeek or the Rick Roll at YouTube. Of course, one reason I probably don't get into April Fools that much is because I am usually the one who falls for it. Then, I am the one who feels completely foolish (no pun intended) because everyone is laughing at me. :) But it's all in good fun. Have you ever been pranked or fallen for a good April Fools?


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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