The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth


Jazzercise was definitely a success yesterday. It was a lot of fun with really good music and fun dance moves. I definitely could not hang during the last twenty minutes when we did weights and strength type stuff, but I know that I did my best. After time, surely that stuff will get easier right? I am going to believe that it will as long as I stick with it. The bottom line is that I exercised for a full hour and I had a good time doing it. As much as I rebel against exercise and usually hate doing it, I hope that I have found something I will keep up with.

The other good thing about my day was that I had so much more energy throughout the afternoon. I got some good writing done and I certainly hope to repeat that today. The weird thing though, is that in the afternoon and evening I got irritable. You would think that energy and fun would have equalled an amazing day all around. I don't know what my problem was! G came home and we went to see Vantage Point, which was pretty good, but not awesome. We had a stupid argument about drinks and snacks at the movie theater. For some reason, I love to have a soda at the movie theater when i'm watching a movie. Yes, I know it's expensive, and I know that sometimes it makes me have to pee in the middle of the film. I still want it. I like to have candy too, but I can do without the candy. But everytime we go see a movie, we have to have this conversation/argument about me wanting a drink. Honestly, we argue so rarely that it really annoyed me to be having this argument yet again. Okay, so it's a $3 drink. I still want it. What's the big deal? We saved $3 by going to the matinee anyway. In the end, I got the drink, probably because I sort of threw a fit about it, but I also sort of made myself insane and irritated for the entire evening.

After the movie, it was as though every single thing bugged me or made me feel anxious and irritated. I couldn't control it, honestly. I am not sure if it has to do with our argument or if it's just about the fact that I almost started my period and then didn't. Maybe it's just PMS. Either way, I had been hoping that fun exercise would equal instant and prolonged happiness. I guess I will have to stick to it and see if I feel better today or not. Of course,what I want to do this morning is get back in bed but I know that ultimately that will only make me feel worse. I am heading back to Jazzercise and hoping that it will wake me up and make me feel great. I am also hoping that by Friday the scale will say I am a little bit lighter.


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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Beautiful DemonsThe Time Traveler's WifeLoveroot: PoemsFear of FlyingWe the LivingAnthem

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