The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Ebay Victory

Ebay's logan is kind of cute. "Shop Victoriously" Of course, I have been more interested in selling victoriously. I have all of this crap still left over from my divorce. The problem I'm having is that it takes too freaking long to get good pictures of the items, research a reasonable price, figure out how much to charge for shipping so I don't get screwed on that, and then make the listing look good. Not to mention the time put into answering questions from interested buyers and then sending out emails with invoices and getting the darn thing shipped off.

For example, last week I listed 9 things. It took me about 3 hours to get them all listed, which may or may not be normal for most people, but that's how long it took me. Then I spent at least a combined total of an hour or so answering questions about the items an checking in on the auctions. In the end, I only sold 4 of the 9 items for a total of $99.72 plus shipping. Today, I took the 3 items that were paid for right away to UPS spent about 30 minutes at the shop while they were shipped out. I am still waiting for one person to pay which will mean yet another trip to the UPS store, and probably another 30 minutes.

All in all, that is about 5 hours of work, for about $100.00. I guess 20 bucks an hour isn't too bad really when it comes down to it, but it does seem like a lot of hassle for very little money. Every bit of it reminds me of my past dead marriage as well, and creates clutter in my new home with my new love. If there is anything to the idea of Fung Shui, then having wedding gifts from a your last marriage in your hopefully future husband's house can't be good. Is that all really worth a couple hundred bucks?? I hate to sort of throw away potential money, but honestly, I think I've got one more ebay list in me and then everything is going to the freakin' Christian donation center down the street.


Anonymous March 18, 2008 at 5:36 PM  

what ya got to get rid of? anything i might want or need>? hahaha lol

Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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