The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Studies Show...

Do you ever wonder why scientists and doctors invest so much time and money on studies that tell us... exactly what we already knew? is reporting about a recent study that shows "Big Belly could carry bigger dimentia risk". The article is basically about how doctors have been conducting a study over the past 30+ years to see if having a fat belly leads to health problems. DUH! Why don't they just post one giant study that says: STUDY SHOWS THAT ABUSING YOUR BODY MAY LEAD TO HEALTH PROBLEMS. That should about cover it.


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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Beautiful DemonsThe Time Traveler's WifeLoveroot: PoemsFear of FlyingWe the LivingAnthem

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