The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Bad Luck

Ever have those days where nothing seems to go right? Of course you do. Everyone does. Right? Oh God, I hope I'm not the only one! Well, yesterday was one of those days for me. A nasty phone call from Servpro over something that is 100% their fault, an insufficient funds fee for $132 due to a bank error, an ebay customer upset about her broken shipment, etc. I know that they say "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" but isn't the small stuff what life is made of? For the most part, yes. It's not like something big happens to me everyday,so the small stuff is basically all I have.

Of course, I would say that this is a perfect example of "attitude is everything". After all, Servpro is going to have to deliver my stuff eventually, and some prick who gives me shit on the phone can't ruin my life. Besides, I am going to call and complain about him today to corporate servpro, so he'll get chewed out by someone with more authority than me hopefully. Also, as stressful as it was to realize I had an insufficient funds fee on my account, it turned out to be bank error and they credited the amount back to me. How many times in my life has that ever happened? Usually it is a Me Error, and no one ever reimburses me for those mistakes. Or, more recently, those kinds of things were J's stupidity and greed, and I should bow down everyday and thank my lucky stars that I am not married to him anymore. And the ebay shipment? I had insurance on it, so although the claim is going slow and she is getting impatient, someone besides me is going to pay for the damage.

I guess it's just a matter of the glass half full or half empty. A lot of things can be both good luck and bad, it just depends on how you look at it. My natural tendency lately is to see everything as bad luck, but you know what? I'm getting better at seeing the good in everything. Eventually, I hope the good is what I spot first, so I can avoid the bad altogether. Happy Friday. I hope you have a good luck weekend.


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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