The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Happy Friday!

Even though am not working a "traditional" job these days, I still love the weekend. Mostly, I love it because G and I get to spend a ton of time together. We are even going to a big formal party event tomorrow for his work. I guess they do this every year and it's a big to-do, but G has never been. I am very excited about it.

I am also, wonder of wonders, actually excited about going to my weight watchers meeting today. I usually follow the FLEX plan, where you have a set number of points that you are supposed to eat in a day. It has been working pretty well, but I gained 4 lbs over the holidays because I wasn't following the plan. This week, I decided to try the CORE plan,where instead of counting points, you pick from a set list of approved foods and eat until you are in a comfortable state, not too full, not too hungry. It has been tough, because bread and regular cheese are no allowed, but it has been fun to try new combinations of food also. For example, I started making these Strawberry Banana shakes, and we have decided we should have them every morning because they are so good. All I do is put a banana, five or six strawberries, a couple spoonfulls of fat free plain yogurt, some skim milk and ice together in the blender. It is awesome! It has been a good week, and I am anxious to go to my meeting and find out what the results are. I am pretty sure I lost at least 2 lbs this week.

Happy Friday everyone. :) Have a great weekend.


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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Beautiful DemonsThe Time Traveler's WifeLoveroot: PoemsFear of FlyingWe the LivingAnthem

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