So Britney was in the hospital this weekend. I read about it and then went to to see if I could find some coverage. It's unbelievable what I found on there. Now, I have mostly looked at comedy things and home videos or music videos on youtube, but this time I saw something I have never seen before. I watched one 3 minute video of Britney just trying to get into a restaurant with her sister. It took them 3 minutes to walk like 20 feet because of a sea of reporters. I guess we can sit back from where we are and judge Brit all we want, but until we've spent every moment of every day for years on end dodging photographers from the time we left our house to the time we got back in, we'd probably be fucked up too.
I was in total shock after watching those videos. There is a video from hollywoodtv that shows Britney's ambulance pulling up to Cedar-Sinai Hospital, and the reporter is running so hard you can hear him almost out of breath, then he goes up to a chain link fence and is doing everything he can to get one tiny zoomed-in glance of Britney on a stretcher. Now, you could say that I am just as guilty as he is because I'm sitting here watching it, every bit as fascinated as he hopes I will be. And I guess I am, because to me, this is interesting. It's like seeing life from a totally different point of view. I am only four years older than Britney Spears, but look how incredibly different our lives are. It's crazy. I know that I sometimes feel like I can barely keep it together, so I can't even imagine what she feels like most of the time. I think sometimes those of us "normal" people think that life is amazing for the rich and famous, but money isn't everything.
Check out some of the videos linked on my page here and just watch what her life is like. There is one video of Kevin Federline zig-zagging all over the road just to "protect" his children from being on camera. The camera guy calls him a "dick" for doing it. Ha! Yeah, how DARE the father of these tiny under-the-age-of-5-children try to keep the photogs from taking his picture a million times a day! I just think it's sad that he feels it's safer to zig-zag around on the road like that than let those photgraphers up next to him. The next time I look at a glamorous photo of a star and think, "man, I wish that was me", I can guarantee you that I will think again. Having the freedom to live your life and make mistakes without everyone watching and criticizing your every move is something all of us "normal" people should be grateful for every day.
I feel for Britney, I really do. Millions of people judging you and speculating about your mental health? No thanks. Of course, she's the one who keeps doing all these dramatic things like shaving her head or locking herself in the bathroom, refusing to give her son back to his father for the night. It all becomes a vicious cycle I suppose. Maybe the truth is that she knows the crazier she seems, the more albums she will sell. I hope she's secretly swimming in her millions and laughing at all of us.
Britney's Drama - Whose Fault is it anyway?
Posted by
Sarra Cannon
Monday, January 7, 2008
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