The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

Janette Kicked Off SYTYCD

I am so pissed off. I cannot believe Janette was voted off 'So You Think You Can Dance' last night. This is the first season I have watched the show all the way through, and truthfully, it's more difficult to watch some of these people get voted off than it is on American Idol. Last night I found myself desperately wishing the judges had a 'save' like they do on AI, because I know they would have used it for Janette. What the hell went wrong America? I thought she was going to win it all. Every week I have faithfully dialed her number, confident that she would be moving on. I just don't understand.

Here's the thing that really pisses me off: If Melissa had not been handed a fucking breast cancer sob story routine, Janette would still be there and Melissa would have been voted off. Sure, she's got skills, but she isn't quite as versatile as the other three. I admired her portrayal of a breast cancer victim on Wed. night, but there's no doubt in my mind that she stayed out of the bottom two solely on the merit of the idea, not her dancing. If that routine had been given to any other girl, they would have been safe, regardless. It's just like people feel they HAVE to vote for the cancer routine. To NOT vote for the cancer routine would be heartless, right? Bullshit! She doesn't have cancer! She didn't choreograph the simple routine! Melissa made it through this week by default because of that sob story, and it pisses me off. Does that mean I like cancer? Hell no! But it does mean that I loved Janette. If her choreographer had said his piece was a portrayal of the fight against HIV and AIDS, she would have garnered sympathy votes and been safe. Regardless of her dancing. And that just isn't fair. If you want to do a sob story routine about breast cancer, either leave the explanation off or put it as a guest routine that isn't judged, but no one should ever gain an unfair advantage because of the TOPIC of their dance. And if you voted for Melissa and Ade simply because of that dance, shame on you, you easily manipulated American sheep.

Do I sound angry? That's because I'm fucking pissed. If you don't watch the show, you are missing out on some of the most creative and fun to watch dancing I know I've ever seen, and Janette was the cream of the crop. She put energy and spice into every single move she made on that stage, and she simply didn't deserve to go. She deserved to win. If you're curious, go watch her on youtube and you'll see what I mean. Janette, you will be missed!


Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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