The Sweetie Chronicles

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

7 "Funky" Facts About Me

Tonya tagged me, so I think I'm supposed to figure out 7 "funky" facts about me. That shouldn't be hard to do, as long as funky also can mean weird. :)

  1. I am addicted to office supplies. Post-its, colorful papers, notebooks, and especially pens. I have so many pens that my fiance made me go through them and put some away in a box. They were taking over my desk. I have been slowly bringing some out of the box, though, and am now back up to 4 full containers of pens on my desk. What can I say? I need a different kind of pen in a different color depending on my mood!
  2. I cannot sleep on my back. I know that doctors say you should sleep on your back or on your side, but no matter how hard I try, I always end up on my stomach. G and I even bought special pillows that are supposed to help us sleep on our backs, but I just can't do it.
  3. I am obsessed with Hello Kitty. I have loved Hello Kitty every since I was a little girl. My very first diary was a Hello Kitty diary. As I grew up, though, I left those kinds of things in my childhood. However, when I was in college, I went to visit a friend in Boston and she took me to a Sanrio store that was full of Hello Kitty items. After that I was rehooked. I have Hello Kitty everything!
  4. Sex and The City's characters feel like my close personal friends. I don't know if it's because I used to dream of having a life like theirs and living in New York City or if it's more about the fact that even though they are glamorous and in a big city, their struggles are the same as any woman's struggles... but no matter what the reason, I felt like I was losing my friends when the show went off the air. The movie comes out on DVD this month, and I am so excited. Also, I am going home to Georgia next week to go to a Sex and the City night with my sister, brother, and sister in law where they are playing 5 of the best episodes on the big screen, followed by the movie. Six hours of pure SATC. I can't wait.
  5. When it comes to writing papers or figuring out my schedule, I am the most organized person on the planet. When it comes to my space, I am the most disorganized person on the planet. I can't keep my desk organized, but my schedule is color coded and crazy organized. It's weird.
  6. I sing in the car. Okay so maybe that doesn't sound very unusual or funky, but I certainly get some strange looks. I don't usually sing when there are other people in the car with me, but when I'm alone... I let it all out. Sometimes I will be at a stoplight and blasting it out to a good song and I will look over at the car next to me and they will be staring at me like I'm a freakin' crazy person.
  7. I play piano with my fingers all the time. I can't help it. When I hear a melody on TV or in a song, I play the tune on a non-existent piano. Even when there is no music to be heard, I usually have something playing in my head and will play it with my fingers.
Okay, so now I am supposed to tag someone else, I guess... but I can't even name a single person that reads my blog that also has a blog except for the people who have already done this. Hmmm.... maybe I'll just tag G and make him be a guest poster tomorrow. Hehe.


Unknown September 18, 2008 at 12:12 PM  

I lack the funky. You'll have to think up something else to write for tomorrow.

Mandy September 24, 2008 at 9:33 AM  

Love your funky facts, good to get to know you better!

Sarra Cannon

Young Adult Indie Author

I always secretly wanted to be a cheerleader. And a witch. Now, I write about both. The first five novels in my Peachville High Demons Young Adult Paranormal series are available now in ebook!
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