It's nothing glamorous - not that anything called "peel and stick" every could be - but it is still something that makes me proud. Ever since I moved into G's townhouse (which is now our townhouse :), I have wanted to do something about the front entryway. It's a small little area when you first come through the door that has a tiny coat closet and a small half bathroom. The floor was a terrible green linoleum that was coming up on all of the edges. We even tried to tape it down at one point to make sure no one tripped over it, lol. Well, it was time to do something about it, so we made this weekend a home improvement project weekend.
I desperately wish I had taken a "before" picture, but sadly, I did not. What we did first was tear the old linoleum up (and when I say "we", I mean G). I helped a little bit by peeling up little pieces that were left behind when the bigger piece came up. Then, we went to this discount store called "Ollies" and picked out some peel and stick tile. Ollies is like TJ Maxx for things other than clothes. They do massive random buyouts and so you never quite know what you'll find. I just happened to be there the other day checking out the current inventory and saw the tiles. It gave me the idea for the project in the first place, so after we pulled up the old flooring, we picked out a new one.Then, we went to a nice dinner :P. Okay, so that wasn't part of the project, but it was very nice and we had some amazing conversation. (And I had a mango mai tai, which was amazing - actually 3 of them.) Yesterday we got back to the project by measuring out the floor, figuring out where the middle of the area was and starting there with the tiles to make the room look even. Once we had all of the main area finished, we got down to the hardest part of cutting the tiles to the edges. While G tried in vain to get the baseboards off so we could put the tile underneath, I made tracings of the shape of the room in order to cut the tiles in the right shape. I did most of the cutting and I think it turned out pretty great, all things considered.
I am proud of this project for two main reasons: 1) It's just one of those things you talk about wanting to do but so rarely make time for. I'm proud that we actually made time for it this weekend. And 2) We only spent $20, and that includes an almost full 2nd box of tiles that we will use when we finish the half bathroom. Also, can I just say that I have the best husband in the world? I love that we can work together fixing a floor and not argue a single time. I love that we can laugh and have fun even while we're doing something tedious. He's the best, and I am so incredibly lucky to have him.
Now, it's off to write - which is what I really was supposed to be doing this weekend :P.
Weekend Project: Peel and Stick Tiles
Posted by
Sarra Cannon
Monday, March 15, 2010
Labels: Home Improvement
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